Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm glad I'm from the 20th Century

Sunday we were talking about how we couldn't have made it "back in the day" when there was no air conditioning.

Well last night I came home to no electricity (stupid storms), and even though it was dark out, it was HOT. It's even hotter when you're trying to sleep with no covers but end up with a Jay and Cocoa on you.

The sound of the lights coming back on and SCE&G calling woke me up. I complained that they finally turned the lights back on "in the middle of the night", but when I looked at my phone to re-set my clock I realized it was only 12:15. Gah.

Time slows when you have no tv to watch.

We all complain about how time is flying too fast. Maybe we should turn the tv off one night a week. So okay, Monday is House night and Thursday is CSI. Lets see, I think new SVU comes on Tuesdays.... okay Wednesday it is. No wait, that's Top Chef night.


-Connie said...

hehehehe. Even when nothing's on I have the TV on. Hmm. Friday's nothing new comes on! :)

-Connie said...

But we play Guitar Hero that night.