She had been hanging out with her lion in Mama's closet, but since they've been gone this week she's been under my bed. Well today I noticed she wanted a cozier room.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Who is it??
She had been hanging out with her lion in Mama's closet, but since they've been gone this week she's been under my bed. Well today I noticed she wanted a cozier room.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I'm Official!
Not to toot my own horn, but I really like the picture. I just got the dress (and another one in gray) and wore it because I was going to an art show opening.
The art show is part of Spoleto and we participated by collecting the images and picking who was going to be featured. The show is called Vanishing Landscapes and based on environmental issues (hence our involvement). It was fun and something good to go to by yourself when your boyfriend doesn't want to be dragged along, lol.
Monday, May 19, 2008
You know what really grinds my gears....
I went to the beach yesterday and used enough sunscreen to justify using the verb "slather". I somehow managed to miss a few spots, though. Right near my armpits... you know, where the sleeves rub? Doesn't matter whether it's a t-shirt or a tank top.
I was good this time, too. I remembered to reapply and everything. But both times I managed to miss these spots. I also have little spots on my foot and knee that I missed too.
Where's the aloe?
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Happy International Pickle Week!
On the Mt. Olive website there's also fun facts about pickles, such as.... Did you know that pickle juice can help relieve muscle cramps? Athletes are using it for this reason. I wonder if it'll work on menstrual cramps? Also, it may help with hangovers! It doesn't say the amount needed, but I'm guessing maybe a cup. Because of all the salt & whatnot, too much can be bad for you.
Here's to you Mr. Pickle!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Big recap
Christopher must think I'm so silly!
Mmm... yummy carrot cake!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I need order, people!
We gathered at the Cistern and the lady spoke about how we shouldn't walk too close together, but don't have big gaps. And about how we'll go to the room for our major in Maybank Hall, and the flowers will be in front of Maybank... you know, all that stuff. Well most people were talking and not really paying attention, mostly because she was telling us stuff we already knew.
Then we went to the rooms where we will meet Saturday and after several minutes someone came in and told us to line up alphabetically. Well it was pretty chaotic saying "what's your name?" "R's over here!" and such. As we walked out of the room I noticed this one girl who I had a class with, whose last name starts with a T, was behind me! Ugh, hopefully it'll be better Saturday when we'll have our cards and can easily look and realize, oh I'm supposed to be over there.
Then we walked to the stage and sat down. I'm going to be stage right (so when you look at the stage, I'll be on the left). I'm somewhat towards the middle-ish. I'm one of the last Psychology majors, and then there's only Sociology in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Then there's the School of Languages, Cultures and World Affairs, which is basically the Spanish, French, etc majors... and there aren't many.
We didn't go through the whole ceremony like in high school. She only said to go to whoever if your name is difficult to pronounce so she can mark it. Then she reminded us to hold the flowers in our left arm and take the "diploma" with our left hand and shake with our right. Okay, most of us graduated high school 4 years ago, we remember.
Oh and the President won't be there because his son is graduating from U of GA at the same time. I've had the worst luck when it comes to graduations!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Dish rags
By knitting one and then purling one across the row, you get these Vs.
The V pattern is called stockinette, which tends to curl, so you knit a few stitches at the beginning and end of the row, and the first few and last few rows to create a border. This also keeps it flat.
I started one, but somehow messed it up. I decided it was a good size and went to cast off. For some reason, when I knit the last few rows it gets very tight. While I was trying to cast off and I dropped a stitch, gah!
I did read on a few sites that when casting off, you should use a needle one size larger. Not sure why, but I am going to get some size 8 needles. It wasn't really a problem with the blanket I made, but maybe because it was size 15 needles and therefore bigger loops. I dunno.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Caturday: Hampton

This is Hampton, he looks a lot like Tabby. Right now he's staying in the garage area since he's scared of the other animals and we haven't taken him to the vet. He looks fine, but I want to know he's okay in case he does scratch one of the other guys. Sometimes I bring him up to my room and all the other animals crowd around outside as if to say, "we know someone's in there!"
He's really sweet and just curls up on my bed and naps. He doesn't really care for most of the other cat toys, though.
We adopted Hampton since Aunt Cheryl couldn't take him to her new place. That always breaks my heart when I go to the Charleston Animal Society (formerly SPCA) and see on the card that they were given up by their owner because of apartment rules. I know sometimes you can only get into that one complex, and having three kids really restricts where you can live.
Anyways, luckily for Steven and me we're more flexible, don't have kids, and have plenty of time to move so we can find a good place that takes pets.Stick a fork in me
The bad thing was that I had a bad headache yesterday so I couldn't really celebrate.
Steven and I have gotten back in touch with friends from high school. Actually two of them (Braden and Melissa) live down the street from him, and have for a while, and for some reason we only just now started hanging out again. I'm not really sure why... it's not like we had a falling out or anything.
Anyways, at Braden and Melissa's was Casey, Shane, Arthur... and others but those are the ones I know. Since I had a bad headache I didn't want to drink anything (and since I was driving home I was only going to have 1). I was going to tell people that I was drinking rum and coke instead of coke and coke. Oh well, no one cared which is cool.
I told them I'd make up for it at my graduation party at Jackie's. (By the way, tell Erich that Steven was really talking him up! He kept saying, "yeah her brother in law is really cool... he's an ex-Marine... yes I corrected him, once a Marine always a Marine or something, lol). So yeah, I hope we're still partying because I invited some people.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Thirsty Thursday
So far they haven't been too bad. Well the Sensation & Perception one was pretty brutal, like I thought. But not harder than I thought, which is good I guess. Although I did answer one question by including, "and cAMP comes into the picture and somehow GTP becomes GDP". Seriously. I hope I'll at least get some points for mentioning names!
I did get my grade for the Psych. of Gender exam... which was 100 (well technically 50/50, but you know). I also ended the class with a 94! Sweet.
The Ethics and Accounting exams weren't too bad, either. But a lot of reading (and working through problems for accounting). Now I just have the Philosophy exam which will focus on animal rights, animal cruelty, assisted suicide... you know, fun stuff like that. Gah!!
Also, since it's Thursday I figured I'd mention how much I love Pepsi. I like Coke, too I guess... but there's something about Pepsi. Maybe it's psychological and has to do with the excitement of Grandpa coming home during the summer and we'd all run out to the truck and fling the cooler door open and dig in.
I also liked when he brought a watermelon.
My absolute favorite though is fountain drinks. Whether it's Pepsi or Coke.. it's always so crisp. Maybe it's because the carbonated water and sugar mix right then. Either way, it's good. I can sometimes down 2 glasses before my entree arives!