Saturday, May 3, 2008

Stick a fork in me

I'm done!!!! Yay! **big exhale**

The bad thing was that I had a bad headache yesterday so I couldn't really celebrate.

Steven and I have gotten back in touch with friends from high school. Actually two of them (Braden and Melissa) live down the street from him, and have for a while, and for some reason we only just now started hanging out again. I'm not really sure why... it's not like we had a falling out or anything.

Anyways, at Braden and Melissa's was Casey, Shane, Arthur... and others but those are the ones I know. Since I had a bad headache I didn't want to drink anything (and since I was driving home I was only going to have 1). I was going to tell people that I was drinking rum and coke instead of coke and coke. Oh well, no one cared which is cool.

I told them I'd make up for it at my graduation party at Jackie's. (By the way, tell Erich that Steven was really talking him up! He kept saying, "yeah her brother in law is really cool... he's an ex-Marine... yes I corrected him, once a Marine always a Marine or something, lol). So yeah, I hope we're still partying because I invited some people.


-Connie said...

haha awww! thanks for correcting steven! ;-) and yay on being done!! Tell everyone I said hey! When is your graduation party at Jackie's? I'll have a drink that day for yoU! :)

Amanda said...

Saturday night.. probably starting around 7ish maybe? :-)

So... I was thinking... said...

Can't wait for the party.... Erich was tickled to hear about what Steven said. LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm tickled that Erich was tickled!

-Connie said...

Do you mean this past Saturday? Because if so I had several glasses of wine for you!!! :-P

So... I was thinking... said...

Ha! No, this Saturday coming up. So you can have several more glasses then. :oP

Anonymous said...

woo yea yea woo yea yea woo

-Connie said...

Ohh. I will then!! :) Maybe not wine, but I'll have a vodka-mt dew for ya! (Isn't that called a Mt Screw Jackie?) :-P

Oh and Steven is silly! :-D