Saturday, April 26, 2008

1 down... 4 to go.

Well I took my first exam today... Psychology of Gender. It wasn't too bad, but it wasn't cumulative and the material wasn't excruciating.

Next up: Sports Ethics Monday, Sensation & Perception Tuesday (really NOT looking forward to this one), Accounting Thursday, and Philosophy Friday.

I realized the other day that this will be first first final exam in Accounting ever. In high school I exempted both Acct 1 & 2. And the professor I had for ACCT 203 & 204 allowed you to exempt if you had an A. This is very rare in college, and I was lucky. I guess it's good though that this is my first final (ironically my next to last exam ever). The problem is... I'm not sure how to study for it. Ugh.


So... I was thinking... said...

Good luck to you! My accounting exam was pretty easy, but it was just Principals. The others were a snap... even Psych.

Good luck for finals week... just think, nope more after this. :)

-Connie said...

Sooo... what's the update on the other 4?