Monday, April 14, 2008

I was told what my salary would be at work today. I know it's not proper to talk about money, so lets just say it's a little more than what I thought it would be. It's also a great amount for someone's first job out of college and for a non-profit.

The head of HR also gave me the insurance info and it is over whelming. How do I know which to choose? Also, if Steven's company's insurance (where ever that will be) goes up as much for couples from a single then we may just have separate coverage. Yowza it's a lot!

You shouldn't read insurance info with a headache (well it's difficult to do much with a headache, really). The first place I'll go with my shiny new card? Dr. Wilsons' for some migraine meds!


So... I was thinking... said...

Congrats! That is wonderful. Yeah.. it was cheaper for Erich and I to have the same insurance.. he got his own before I got my new job, so I didn't add him to it... big mistake. We are switching him to mine this year when I have open enrollment again.

It will give you a headache... but what a wonderful offer!

Shelia said...

Wooooo! You go girl!

-Connie said...

Yay how fun!