They were very good, and I would have had an entire drink for myself, but I had a bad headache and figured I shouldn't drink too much.
I used the recipe from a Bartending book I got at Barnes & Noble.
12-15 mint leaves
This is where the Viking Crown and Ellingtons meets. There's a piano on the platform area there and a little dance floor.
We may need to take him to rehab though...
On the Mt. Olive website there's also fun facts about pickles, such as.... Did you know that pickle juice can help relieve muscle cramps? Athletes are using it for this reason. I wonder if it'll work on menstrual cramps? Also, it may help with hangovers! It doesn't say the amount needed, but I'm guessing maybe a cup. Because of all the salt & whatnot, too much can be bad for you.
Here's to you Mr. Pickle!
Christopher must think I'm so silly!
By knitting one and then purling one across the row, you get these Vs.
The V pattern is called stockinette, which tends to curl, so you knit a few stitches at the beginning and end of the row, and the first few and last few rows to create a border. This also keeps it flat.
I started one, but somehow messed it up. I decided it was a good size and went to cast off. For some reason, when I knit the last few rows it gets very tight. While I was trying to cast off and I dropped a stitch, gah!
I did read on a few sites that when casting off, you should use a needle one size larger. Not sure why, but I am going to get some size 8 needles. It wasn't really a problem with the blanket I made, but maybe because it was size 15 needles and therefore bigger loops. I dunno.
This is Hampton, he looks a lot like Tabby. Right now he's staying in the garage area since he's scared of the other animals and we haven't taken him to the vet. He looks fine, but I want to know he's okay in case he does scratch one of the other guys. Sometimes I bring him up to my room and all the other animals crowd around outside as if to say, "we know someone's in there!"
He's really sweet and just curls up on my bed and naps. He doesn't really care for most of the other cat toys, though.
We adopted Hampton since Aunt Cheryl couldn't take him to her new place. That always breaks my heart when I go to the Charleston Animal Society (formerly SPCA) and see on the card that they were given up by their owner because of apartment rules. I know sometimes you can only get into that one complex, and having three kids really restricts where you can live.
Anyways, luckily for Steven and me we're more flexible, don't have kids, and have plenty of time to move so we can find a good place that takes pets.This is Mama and me on the plane in Charleston. It's hard to tell but we had enjoyed a big glass of wine just before boarding. I wasn't too nervous at this point, but I think what helped was knowing I got to see Connie and Alexis at the end of the trip. And the wine.
I really like this picture. This is somewhere near Atlanta. We were really high up there!
Alexis sucking her left thumb. We woke her up a little earlier than she's used to. Whoops. What can I say, we were on Charleston time.
I love this video, it's Alexis doing her low crawl.
This is the view near Connie and Josh's apartment. Look at those mountains! It really is beautiful out there.
More mountain views on "the 5". I don't think I could get used to that. I just don't see myself saying, "yeah and then you get on the 26 and go x miles until you get to exit whatever."
This is downtown San Diego, as seen from the tram. That is a fun excursion because you go all around the city and they tell you neat facts. You can get off on any stops and just hop on the next tram. We did this in St. Augustine and really enjoyed it. The bad thing is that we didn't have enough time to do or see a lot since we were only there 1 full day. I guess we'll have to go back.
This is the front of the San Diego Zoo. We didn't go in, but it is a stop on the tram. I thought this tree republican was so cute! Mama said, "oh take a picture for Jackie!" So here you go, Jackie Wacky!
Alexis having fun on the plane going back to Charleston. She does travel well and only got sort of fussy a few times.
The bad thing about the trip was actually a good thing to experience. Our flight was delayed leaving San Diego, but the flight from Atlanta was not. We got there with maybe 10 minutes to board. Oh did I mention we had to go from gate A to gate B? Gah!
The guy was slow getting the stroller to us. He was very apologetic which was nice, but it didn't stop the plane from leaving. Even the flight attendents from our flight missed the connecting flight to Charleston.
Luckily there was another flight... at 7:15... 3 hours later. We actually boarded around 7:45 and sat.. and sat.. and sat. Then a flight attendent came on the overhead saying they couldn't find the pilot. Seriously?! Isn't he the first one on? I mean really. So 45 minutes later we were off and got home close to 11 pm. We should have been home close to 5 pm.
Oh well, I experienced just about all the things that can go wrong in one fail swoop so next time I'll know.
All in all it was a good trip and I'm glad I went. Steven is ready to fly somewhere too. Maybe to Los Angeles when the Mariner moves?
This is from 30 Minute Meals
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 pound chicken breast tenders, chopped
Salt and pepper
1 small onion, chopped
1 pound macaroni elbows
2 1/2 cups raw broccoli florets
3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon paprika
3 cups whole milk
1 cup chicken stock
3 cups yellow sharp Cheddar
1 tablespoon prepared Dijon mustard
Place a pot of water on to boil for macaroni.
Heat a medium pan over medium to medium high heat. Add extra-virgin
olive oil and chicken and season with salt and pepper. Saute a couple of minutes
then add onion and cook another 5 to 7 minutes until onions are tender and
chicken is cooked through. Turn off heat and reserve.
To boiling pasta water, add pasta and salt to season the cooking water.
Cook 5 minutes, then add broccoli and cook 3 minutes more or until pasta is
cooked to al dente and florets are just tender.
While pasta cooks, heat a medium sauce pot over medium heat. Add butter and
melt, then add flour, cayenne and paprika and whisk together over heat until
roux bubbles then cook a minute more. Whisk in milk and stock and raise heat a
little to bring sauce to a quick boil. Simmer sauce to thicken, about 5 minutes.
Drain macaroni or pasta and broccoli florets. Add back to pot and add
chicken to the pasta and broccoli.
Add cheese to milk sauce and stir to melt it in, about a minute or so.
Stir in mustard and season sauce with salt and pepper. Pour sauce over chicken
and broccoli and cooked pasta and stir to combine. Adjust seasonings, transfer
to a large serving platter and serve.